Thursday, March 26, 2009


Facebook is the social networking site that can get you additional exposure. It is not only a very cool and trendy way to go, but it's a free way to get tons of traffic right now to bring you exposure!

After you join Facebook as an individual, you can create a PAGE for your business. Go to the bottom right of your profile page and click HELP. On the HELP CENTER page go down to FACEBOOK APPLICATIONS AND FEATURES, and click on FACEBOOK PAGES. ADS AND BUSINESS SOLUTIONS and click on PAGES. Expand the Questions & Answers, and go down to OVERVIEW: WHAT ARE FACEBOOK PAGES? Click on HOW CAN I CREATE A PAGE? and then click the HERE link that appears, which will allow you to start building a page. You will later be able to access your PAGE from your individual personal profile.

After creating my personal profile, because my intent was to get exposure for my business I made my profile 'open', meaning it is viewable without permission to any Facebook user who can then learn about and go to my store's PAGE. (Note: parents, please check make SURE your kids do NOT have an OPEN viewable profile to safeguard them from predators!)

An open profile should have more professional content - avoid creating silly posts or include very personal information/photos that you wouldn't want customers to happen upon. To protect my children I don't have their photos up. The PAGES format has been changing frequently as they make improvements. On your PAGE you can list your website, store hours, create photo albums of the store or product, add video, links, list events or classes, post messages, and more. If you don't even have a website for your store, a Facebook page is a MUST.

Facebook Friends can "Fan" your PAGE, creating a clickable link to your store's Facebook Page on their own profile page - and everyone on their Friends list can then view your page. If that Friend then also becomes a Fan, that allows the Friends list of THAT person to access your Page. And so on. If you have lots of friends who have lots of friends, you will have Page visitors from all over the country! Remember that the content on your store Page is critical, it has to be interesting to draw in the visitor and keep them returning, so that they "fan" you. Lots of images and interesting current content helps.

Facebook is gaining in popularity in adults who want a quick easy way to stay in touch with friends and family (my friend calls it Crackbook, because it has become somewhat of an addiction checking in on what everyone else is up to!) So give Facebook a try, create a page for your business - it is quick and relatively easy. Good luck!

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